Saturday, July 20, 2013

Let the Adventure begin

Well, it has taken a long time, but I finally decided to join the world of blogging.  Don't get your hopes up about frequent posts quite yet.  I still have to figure out if I'm actually going to like doing this.

But anyway, here I am.

Some of you may be wondering about the title of my blog.  Mostly it came from a joke last winter when we purchased a new home.  Our new home happens to have a long, fairly steep driveway since it is on the side of a mountain.  Probably because it is on the side of mountain, it also gets a lot of snow......and most people who came to visit us wound up stuck.

At one point, I was joking with someone that I could write a fairly entertaining blog about the various ways people got stuck....or unstuck in my driveway.  But I didn't get around to doing it then.  I'm sure there will be many opportunities this winter to write about the adventures of digging people out of our snow drifts. ;)  Unless of course people decided last year that visiting us in the snow wasn't worth it.

Aside from that, my Little Man is constantly providing us new adventures.  So regardless of the number of driving stories that make it to the blog, I'm sure there will be quite a few about the adventures (joys and challenges) of raising our Little Man.

So welcome to my blog.  Enjoy.  And if you don't enjoy, feel free to click away to another site.

Let the Adventure (sharing) begin! 

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