Sunday, September 1, 2013


Most of you will immediately recognize that the above picture is not of my son.  Most of you will also immediately recognize that this picture is almost surely staged and for many parents of toddlers probably feels like a never-in-my-life-time experience.  Nevertheless, it is an ideal that many of us LDS parents strive for each week as we take our children to Church.

This picture certainly was not representative of our Sacrament Meeting experience today.  Like most Sundays, Jake and I spent most of the meeting trying to keep Little Man quiet.  Today's distraction of choice was a set of small Winnie the Pooh figurines that Little Man chose to play with UNDER the bench.

However, we do try to have Little Man up and paying some semblance of attention during the blessing and passing of the Sacrament.  It seems that he has become somewhat familiar with the process since today, during the blessing of the bread, Little Man began to ask for "Bread."  After being assured that we were indeed about to receive the bread, he became impatient.  He folded his little arms (an action we have been striving/struggling to teach him for prayers) and said a semi-quiet "Amen."  Of course, this did not actually end the prayer, but must have built up Little Man's anticipation because when the Priest blessing the Sacrament did finish the prayer, Little Man yelled his agreement with an emphatic "AMEN!" that I am sure every member of the congregation heard.

I suppose I should be terribly embarrassed to admit this, but I had a difficult time containing my giggles.  Perhaps the reason I was  not mortified at the situation is because I have heard many similar stories throughout the years--and I have to believe that there were many sympathetic parents of former-toddlers making up the congregation.

Despite the seeming hopelessness at ever reaching the ideal of having our children sit quietly through the Sacrament (let alone the whole Sacrament Meeting) Jake and I, like millions of other parents, continue to take our Little Man to church each week.  We do it knowing that he will be a distraction to us and those around us.  We know that there will be times, like today, when he will draw unwanted attention to our family.  But we know it is important to allow our children the opportunity to "come unto Christ" early in their lives. 

I'm sure there will be even "better" stories of our little ones disturbing Sacrament Meeting as we raise our little family--some may even cause me to be mortified.  During those times, I will strive to remember the words of the Savior to "suffer the  little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God."Mark 10:14-15