Monday, October 7, 2013

Spiritual Candy???

Family Home Evenings at our house are usually short experiences where we are attempting to keep Little Man close enough to hear what we are talking about.

Tonight was really no exception.  Our lesson was "I can be happy" from the Behold Your Little Ones manual......or some 3 minute semblance of that lesson.  Because of Little Man's short attention span, we had to use some of what he was doing as part of the, "Jumping off the couch can help us be happy."

Then we decided to ask Little Man what can help him be happy.  His first reply was "watch puppets"--the Little Einsteins episode we had placed on pause to do the lesson.  His next reply took me off guard..."Jesus give candy [Babes]."

The innocence of children is really quite amazing.  Honestly, Little Man's response makes me wonder what he was referring to--A dream, and imagination, or possibly even a memory.  Regardless, I'm sure that getting candy from Jesus would indeed make Little Man, or any of us, quite happy.