Thursday, June 12, 2014

Time to get Serious

You know those things you wish would happen, but you never really put time into making them happen.....yeah I have a few of those.

One of my current ones has been losing weight.  I would love to loose about 70 lbs....but have set my current goal at 50. 

The problem is, I have kept making excuses about making healthier choices (it's too cold to walk, I can't reduce my calorie consumption because I'm nursing, we've had lots of parties and it would be rude not to eat the food, and on and on).

The problem with that is, if I keep  making those excuses, I will never get what I actually want!

I know that having other people watching me is a huge motivator for here it is.

Each Monday until the first snow fall, I will post the following things--on a blog I set up specifically for that purpose to avoid having this blog become overwhelmed with boring posts.

Number of days I exercised 30 minutes or more (goal of 5 days per week)
How many calories I was under or over budget
Number of pounds lost or gained

So drop on by once in a while at to keep me motivated :)  And if you would like to join me, feel free to post your weight loss/exercise goals in the comments!

If I manage to loose 50 pounds, you may even be able to convince me to post before and after pictures.

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