Sunday, January 5, 2014

Winning Battles, Losing Wars

Thankfully I have never had to live in a war zone.  At least not the kind where bombs were exploding around me, or soldiers were marching through the streets of town.   I'm young enough that I don't remember the cold war, and the other major wars we learned about in school were over long before I was born.

My personal experience with large scale conflicts is restricted mostly to the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the ensuing "War on Terror."  And that has, gratefully, been from the long distance position of listening to the news.

My experience with the news tells  me that there are many small things that happen every day--but you never hear about them.  It is only when something major or "news worthy" happens that an event makes the printed page...or radio announcement.

And I suspect that it is rarely those large events that win wars.

Though I have been blessed not to have a large amount of experience in the wars of the world, there is another type of war in which I am a soldier.  Everyone is a soldier; whether they know it or not; whether they want to be or not.  It is the war between God and Satan for souls.

This war rages everyday in the life of every person.  Often it is so "uneventful" that I forget I am actually in the war zone.  I live my life trying to do the "mundane" daily things that my religious leaders have asked me to do--not really feeling like I am influenced much by the war.  But sometimes there are major attacks that bring the war not only to mind, but also to conversation and politics.

One such attack in that battle is the overturning of the Utah constitutional ban on Gay and Lesbian marriage.  I realize people have differing views on the matter.  But this is my blog, so my views take precedence here.

I believe God has given men and women sacred roles not only for this earth life, but also for eternity.  Satan understands that and has done all he can, throughout the history of the world, to prevent us from reaching the full potential of those roles.  Part of those roles are for us to help each other become perfected through marriage and the physical and emotional intimacies of that relationship.  Only in that sacred relationship can we receive all that God truly wishes for us to have in the eternities.

But it must be done in God's way.

I do not believe Gay and Lesbian relationships follow God's way.  In fact, I believe them to be sins because they are so contrary to the way He has ordained.

Many people (and political correctness) call for me to "let it go" or even to agree that Gays and Lesbians should be married.  But I can't.  I'm a soldier in God's army.  And I know it.  And I want to be.  And it is because I care for them and society as a whole that I will continue to oppose Gay and Lesbian marriage.

The overturning of the Utah constitution and the recent rulings of the Supreme Court concerning marriage are battles Satan has won in the war for souls.  But Satan will not win this war.  In the end we know that God will banish Satan and his army and they will be miserable.

But it is not the overall war that leads me to voice my opinion.  The overall war is decided.  Our individual wars are not.  Participating in a Gay or Lesbian relationship jeopardizes an individual's eternal salvation.  Those who feel they have "won the battle" because of the rulings that Gay marriage is legal are "losing the war" for their souls.  And it will be a difficult road back for them--if they choose to try to make their way back.

I know many think that my opinions mean that I "hate" gays and lesbians. I don't.  But please don't expect me to give up my beliefs to make you comfortable.  I believe that I should not only live by the gospel of Jesus Christ, I should encourage others to do the same.  And I should support measures that legally encourage the gospel to be a part of everyone's lives and oppose those legal measures that would weaken the gospel in others' lives. 

Christ called the sinners to repentance and bade them to follow him.  He did not condone their sinful acts, but He loved them.  I may not do it perfectly, but I am striving to do the same.

 For those looking for information about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints' stand on the matter, I would recommend the following:

The Family a Proclamation to the World
The divine institution of marriage

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