Thursday, December 12, 2013

Adventures Not Quite in my neighbors driveway

So, winter has arrived in our little town. Those frosty little snowflakes now cover our lawns, house tops, trees, parks, and when the snow first falls....they cover up our roads and driveways.

There are snow plows and four-wheelers moving snow all over town attempting to restore our ability to travel to and fro.  And for the most part, they are successful.  Still travel shortly after a snowstorm can be treacherous--especially in the dark.  Such was the case for me last Sunday while I was traveling to my neighbor's house to help prepare handouts for our upcoming Relief Society meeting.

Though I can't recall actually going to this neighbors home before, I was pretty sure I knew which house was her's (this makes much more sense if you know how county addresses work around here).   This particular neighbor lives in what I consider the "other side of the Y" on a dead end road.  Because the road is a dead end, I haven't really been a frequenter of the area, though I am sure I have driven it a few dozen times over the years.  But that doesn't mean I had the area memorized.

Anyway, I headed over to her house just after 7 p.m. (remember it is dark then ;) ) on the day after our first  heavy snowstorm.  Since I was only mostly sure (not 100% sure) which house I was headed to, I was focusing on finding the house.  Focusing on finding the house must have been a little bit distracting because as I rounded the corner and saw the house I was headed for, I started searching for the driveway.  Remember it was dark.

In the shadows I saw what I thought was their plowed out driveway with a light snow dusting on it.  Did I mention they live on hill????  Anyway, since I thought there was a light dusting of snow on their driveway, I gunned it so I would be sure to make it up the hill.

Gunning it was my second mistake.....the first mistake was identifying the driveway.  It turns out that what I thought was the outlines of their plowed driveway was actually 2 sets of footprints on their yard. :(  So basically, I plowed my car right into the snowbank on the side of the road.  Of course, since the snowplow (or 4 wheeler) had been by, it was not just the fallen snow, but the extra snow from the road, and I was buried 3/4 of the tires deep in snow.  And Very Embarrassingly Stuck.

Fortunately for me, I live in a very friendly town and there was another neighbor heading home who took time to stop and try to push me out.  He wasn't able to get me out just by pushing, but he hurried home and got a tow rope and he and the husband of the neighbor I was headed to were able to pull me out fairly easily with a truck.  I was then able to drive the additional 50 or so feet and make it with no problems into their ACTUAL driveway ;)

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