Yesterday, I was holding our Baby Girl on the couch and my Little Man kind of bounded onto the couch and randomly exclaimed, "Watch out Baby Sis'er, IT'S ME!"
Honestly, for those of you who know my Little Man, I am curious to know the image that just popped into your head that would cause that to be a valid warning.
With as rambunctious as my Little Man is, I kind of wonder if he will be able to come up with a more true statement to tell her for quite a while. We have had quite a few close calls where flying objects....or flying toddlers.....have nearly pummeled our Baby Girl. And as much as I am trying to keep my Baby Girl safe, there are times that my ability to do so is lacking.
For example:
When Baby Girl was about 2 weeks old, against my better judgement, I gave into Little Man's request to stay in the bathroom while I showered. I decided that would be okay because Baby Girl was sleeping in her bassinet in my bedroom. Unfortunately, Little Man got tired of being in the bathroom and I had not locked the door to keep him trapped (kind of, anyway). When I came out of the bathroom, I discovered that Baby Girl was now sleeping peacefully on my bed. I'm making a guess Baby Girl didn't jump out of her bassinet by herself. I can only hope the transport process wasn't to upsetting for her. I suppose it wasn't too bad since she had gone back to sleep by the time I discovered her.
Last week, I had just left the living room where Baby girl was sleeping in her rocking chair. I had barely made it down the hall when Little Man comes running up and says "Babes, Babes, Babes, Babes, Babes turn Baby Sister upside down." I returned to the living room to find Baby Girl grunting in her tipped-all-the-way-backwards rocking chair.
But perhaps Little Man's warning is more applicable to the future than the past. Last night, as Baby Girl and I were sitting on the couch, Little Man came up to snuggle with us. Not long after, he slyly said, "Babes take away Baby Sister's head, please, please?" Say WHAT? NO! You may not take away Baby Sister's head!!
So Baby Girl, consider yourself duly warned by your big brother, "Watch out Baby Sis'er, IT'S ME!!"
Babes hold Baby Sis'er |
Baby Sis'er taste like salsa!! |
Disclaimer: Little Man has expanded the game his Grandpa likes to play with him of "stealing your nose" to include stealing any body part he feels like....and that is how he wanted to take away her head. He (hopefully) doesn't really want to decapitate his sister.